Maximise your productivity

Call management

EmuTel’s call management software is the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes. Our software is designed to help you manage your calls more efficiently, improve staff performance and increase customer satisfaction.

call management

Why use call management software?

There’s no need to worry about missed calls anymore. With EmuTel’s call management software, you can see who called, when they called, and how many times they called – all in real-time. Plus, you can generate a dashboard of your call traffic so you can see which areas are getting the most attention. And if you need to record a call for quality control or training purposes, no problem – the software will do it automatically and store the recording in the cloud for easy access. Whether you’re managing a small business or a large enterprise, our call management software is an essential tool for keeping things running smoothly.

call management software

Call reporting

Looking for a way to keep track of your call traffic in real time? A call reporting system can do just that! With this type of system, you’ll be able to see things like call duration, waiting times, peak times, and more. This information can help you to monitor staff efficiency, forecast call levels, and identify caller behaviour. Having this knowledge at your fingertips can help you to make more informed decisions about your business operations – and that can make all the difference in your bottom line. Ready to get started?

Call recording

Looking for a reliable call recording solution? Look no further than our automatic call recording service. Whether you’re wanting to monitor staff or customer experiences, or just want to be able to listen back on old calls, our call recording service is perfect for you. Plus, with access to your recordings through the cloud, you can easily listen back on any device. So why wait? Get started today and see how our call recorder can benefit you and your business.

business phones call recording