Never miss another call again
Industrial Communication Package

Reliable phone systems and innovative technology to increase the success of your industrial business or trade

Full phone and wifi coverage

Take your phones anywhere on-site and work on the move

Advanced call recording

Listen back on what was discussed in any call with your customers

Click-to-call technology

Miss fewer opportunities, track calls, & call directly from your PC

Full coverage wifi

Ensure that every corner on site receives the same fast, secure connection. Using our Access Points we guarantee Full Coverage WiFi by creating a structured network of hidden data cables. This means your staff can use their devices, regardless of where they are in your building.

full coverage wifi
No more black spots or connection drop outs
No more crackly calls while on the move
Access secure WiFi anywhere on site
bria softphone technology
Softphone technology

Track missed calls, miss fewer enquiries, click to call from emails and have full control through your integrated desktop, tablet or mobile phone with our Softphone app solution

Advanced call recording

Resolve disputes, monitor your team’s patient handling and train new team members with advanced call recording.

Have inbound and outbound calls recorded automatically and access them from any device at any time.

telecoms services, audio recording