esla standard

What are enhanced Service Levels?

NBN Enterprise Service Level Agreements (ESLAs) are service agreements between NBN and EmuTel that aim to provide a higher level of support to EmuTel, in turn allowing Emutel to provide a better level of support to you.

Under an ESLA, NBN agrees to:

  • Make available certain technical resources to assist with the end-to-end diagnosis and resolution of customer-impacting faults
  • Provide access to NBN’s Network Operations Centre (NOC)
  • Coordinate the dispatch of field resources where required.

Fault rectification explained

When discussing fault rectification on your nbn-powered plan, you’ll need to take three things into account:

1. The operational period of the eSLA

2. The response time of the eSLA

3. The rectification time of the eSLA

The operational period of the eSLA refers to the hours of the day during which Emutel is able to raise faults with NBN, which range from 8am-5pm business days. The response time of the eSLA is the maximum time within which you should expect to hear from Emutel letting you know that your issue is being addressed.

NBN’s response times are usually only valid during operational periods, so if a fault occurs at 11pm on a Standard SLA, your response may not be until business hours the next business day. The rectification time of the eSLA is the maximum length of time you should expect a fault to take to be rectified once responded to. Like response times, this is affected by your operational period – so if fault rectification begins at 8pm, it may not be completed until the morning or even afternoon of the next day. This is why for mission-critical services we recommend considering a 24/7 operational period.

It’s important to note that what happens when eSLA conditions are not met will depend on your specific contract with EmuTel.

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SLA or eSLA Operation Period Rectification Time
Please note that all times assume an urban area. Rectification time may vary depending on the location of the premises. All times refer to the times offered by NBN to phone and internet providers and the times offered to you by your provider may differ from those listed below
8am – 5pm, business days
5pm next business day
12 hours
8 hours
Enhanced-12 (24/7)
12 hours
Enhanced-8 (24/7)
8 hours
6 hours
4 hours
Enhanced-6 (24/7)
6 hours
Enhanced-4 (24/7)
4 hours

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